I’d say the word for this week was “progress”! It’s a positive word that describes my week – both exercise wise, and work related. Miles run this week: 18.7

Monday – easy day, walking.  Treadmill walk this morning with some burpees mixed in.  The “plan” called for run with push ups and jumps mixed in, but no running for me, and I’m still sore from the weight workout with my son on Saturday! 🙂  This is me social distancing at work, hiding in my cube on lunch, and reading blogs!

Tuesday – strength circuit, Just Dance, weights with my son.  It’s day 2 of “I’m not running this week”. I was reminded of how strong I came back from a long time off running and I’m looking for some answers.

Wednesday – treadmill walk before work.  Still not feeling up to running, so walking it was!

Thursday – 5K!  Stomp the Virus virtual 5K with my son.  This is race #1 of the series. Although this run started out as painful for the first quarter mile, the hamstring pain went away and we were able to run a decent time (although we were not racing!).  

It’s the first day of my kid’s Spring Break.  Went to a “new to me” park and hiked around for 5 miles.  I look forward to going back to this park and running the trail in the summer.  Very pretty here!

Fun stuff – we bought an elliptical today!  I was shocked how well we were able to transport it.  Next challenge, getting it downstairs.

Maybe just keep it in the garage, and roll it outside in the good weather 😉

Friday – Walk (1.5 miles), Run/jog (2 miles), Run (3.3 miles)  I set out for a “hearty walk” this morning, and took a little test run during it. It felt good!  So I started out trying a “low heart rate” run attempt. Trying to keep it low left me walking about half of the “run”!  That was frustrating.

Following that, I just ran at an easy pace, just because I could 🙂

We had a fun “extra” workout today – hauling an elliptical into our basement!  The stairs were steep! My son and I were the bottom team while my husband controlled the elliptical down our stairs.  Holy moly, that was a workout!  

Saturday – 2.25 miles, trail running.  Wasn’t going to run today, but the weather was so nice, and my husband said “want to run at the park?”, how could I say No?  My son (begrudgingly) joined us too. I even got to wear a tank top!

Sunday – 8.11 miles.  Once again, I was just going to go for a “little run”, but I was feeling good so took the turn to “go far” instead of looping around my neighborhood.  I was excited to be wearing capris! I had several pairs and they don’t get enough time outside 🙂

And in super productive news, I am a day away from finishing up a HUGE project at work (migrating to a Windows 2019 server, and rolling out Windows 10 PCs to everyone [everyone in the world it seemed… I’ve set up 1 server and 45 PCs over the past few months!])

AND, I also finished a scrapbooking project.  It’s my “December Daily” book which chronicles our family antics over the holiday season.  It takes a *ton* of my time, but they are such great reminders of all the fun we have had over the years and watching the kids grow up. 

Here’s what each day looks like…

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Well, that’s a wrap on this week! My hamstrings are cranky some days, and feeling better on other days. I feel like constant motion and progressive strength work and running helps them (but hey, I already learned that from PT long ago). Positive thoughts! School is “online” until at least May 1st now, and other than that, it’s staying home is the new routine.

Q: Do you use an elliptical? (maybe back when you had gym access?)

I’m looking forward to using it a lot!

Q: Are people wearing masks where you live to help prevent COVID-19 from spreading?

I’ve heard that maybe we should be wearing fabric masks in places like the grocery store?…. which makes me anxious because my daughter works at the grocery store and they haven’t given her one, nor do I think she would wear one (because you know, they aren’t super fashionable…) 🙁

32 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – progress”
  1. Awesome job hauling that elliptical downstairs to the basement! I hope that you counted that as a strength workout 🙂

    I love that your son joined you for the virtual 5K 🙂

    1. Well, let’s just say my son doesn’t get a choice in running with me. He tolerates it 🙂 I think he likes the strength workouts better, but he isn’t coming to me asking to do them yet. I’m the motivator!

  2. Hauling an elliptical down stairs sounds like a legit workout. Our treadmill broke this week so once the new one gets here we’re going to be doing an extreme family workout to get it downstairs. Our plan B will be to set it up in the garage for the time being if we need to.
    Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Sweats: a Virtual 10k!My Profile

    1. I just remembered that our treadmill got delivered downstairs when we bought it because it was new. I didn’t remember hauling it downstairs! But my husband used to insist we put the snowblower downstairs, via the same outside basement stairs, and after doing that a couple of years, I refused to help him do it! Crazy, no need to haul it into the basement to save garage space and injury one of us. Yikes.

  3. How great to have your son catching your running love! I love that you’re using this time to get all that scrapbooking done…Impressive!

    1. Oh no, my son is just “joining me”. He’d much rather be sleeping in all day when I’m out catching the sunrise on a run! But I’m glad I talk him into going along a few times. I’m really excited to get my scrapbook in hand. Now moving on to the dozen other scrapbooks I want to make!

  4. I have used an elliptical only while recovering from injury and through trial and error, I found a model that allows more of a normal running stride than the short, choppy stride you are forced to use on some gym models. I can’t remember the brand name and of course the gym is closed now. Some people are wearing masks here in Colorado but I haven’t seen one on a runner yet. That being said, a member of our club posted a video that shows how to make a neck buff into a face mask. Turn it inside out, put it on, pull the bottom half back up over your nose and mouth. Gives you a double layer of material to breathe through and also fits a little tighter than just the normal way. Stay safe. Stay well.

    1. Our Sole elliptical says it has an adjustable stride “20-22 inches”. Not sure how you adjust it (or does it automatically?) but it is on the longer side, so that works for Alan because he’s 6 ft and I’m 5′ 4″. It’s good for both of us!
      I did end up making a mask out of a shirt but haven’t had a chance to use it. I’m not wearing anything in the parks, just keeping my distance from everyone.

  5. I’ve tried the elliptical and I wasn’t a fan. But a lot of people love it for cross training! You’ll have to let us know how you like it. Glad to see you’re moving better and running with your son. I have yet to get my college boy to run with me, although he needs to for rugby.

    We are being asked to wear masks. I haven’t worn them yet, but I will now. I’m really nervous about this thing and have really only been leaving the house to go for a run (and I won’t mask for that). I have a few from work, but when those are gone, I’ve ordered a cloth one from InknBurn. It’s cute and I can’t wait to get it.

    1. I think my daughter might be given a mask by the time she gets to work on the weekend. I hope so! And they are supposed to be limiting the number of people in the store. I’m glad she doesn’t work that often!
      I don’t know why my hamstrings are so cranky all the time! Riding my spin bike just wasn’t comfortable. I did get a sweaty workout from 30 mins on the elliptical, so I do think it will be a good cross training for me!

  6. I feel your pain on bringing an elliptical downstairs. We did that with our treadmill. I think my husband said there’s no way that thing is coming out in one piece. Lol! We have been told to wear masks when going out to the grocery store. I made one out of a bandana with a coffee filter in it for extra precaution. It’s not cute but everyone has it on now so it’s nothing out of the ordinary. We’ve also been told to wear something over your face if running or walking outside. It can be as simple as a buff and pulling it over your nose and mouth when you pass someone. Be well and stay safe!
    angela @ happy fit mama recently posted…My Week in WorkoutsMy Profile

    1. I think the grocery shopping masks are a good idea! I did make one out of a shirt, but haven’t had the chance to use it yet. I haven’t seen any people wearing them at the park. I’ve been holding my breath when I run past! Ok, maybe not scientific, but I feel like I’m avoiding the germs if they head my way!

  7. You know I spend a lot of time with my dear Ellie 😉 It’s definitely not my cardio choice #1, but it’s a great option on my non-running/recovery days. It really is great for loosening up the legs!

    1. Agree, there’s nothing like running! I was pleasantly surprised though – I was really sweating after 30 mins on our new elliptical! I don’t remember getting as good of a workout on the gym elliptical. I’m looking forward to using it for cross training.

  8. I’m wearing a buff when I do errands, but I can’t run in it.
    Congrats on the elliptical wrestling! Definitely candidiate for next olympics

  9. I’m glad you got the elliptical into the basement safely! We have one that my husband still uses. I prefer the treadmill so much more! That trail looks lovely! Glad your whole family is being active together. I’m trying to figure out the face mask thing too. I realized I can’t breather through one made from a bandana, but some buffs I have from race swag seem OK — the fabric is a bit thinner, so still breathable after folding.

  10. Glad you were able to get in some runs, and I hope you can get your hamstring feeling better! People here just started wearing masks. My understanding is that now the CDC is recommending them in public because so many people have coronavirus and are still going out because they dont know they have it. How exciting that you got an elliptical! Glad you figured out how to get it downstairs.
    Lisa @ Mile by Mile recently posted…Training For Life and Virtual RacesMy Profile

    1. This virus is just so mysterious. Some people have it but don’t show it, but still pass it around. Just crazy. I feel like it’s definitely in our area, but it really hasn’t affected any one close to me yet. I really hope it doesn’t and we get a vaccine soon!

    1. Now that I have the trial membership for Peloton, I see what the big deal is. I didn’t realize they had so many types of classes (yoga, strength, etc). Definitely is motivational!

  11. Whoa! Talk to me about the skin on your Mac! That’s so cool!

    Congrats on your rollout! That’s a huge accomplishment!

    I think I might have left the elliptical in the garage and wheeled it out in the drive. Getting some fresh air would be so nice.

    1. But using the elliptical in the garage at 6am would not be cool 😉 I actually have a new skin coming for my Mac, because I got a new Mac and just pulled the skin off the old one, and it doesn’t really fit… but, I ordered it off Amazon. Amazed I got it in the right place on the first try! Sadly, my new one is in Amazon-China limbo. I think they shipped it, but maybe it’s stuck in some sort of shipping area until the COVID19 is all gone? Sad. And it’s going to be blue/purple. A crazy new color for me!

  12. Just Dance sounds like fun! And getting that elliptical into place definitely seems like a work out. That’s great that your son has been joining you for so many of the work outs.
    Chaitali recently posted…Weekly ReviewMy Profile

    1. Trust me, my son would be sitting in front of his computer all day if I didn’t “highly encourage” him to get outside and get moving!! Teens. Sigh!

  13. That trail looks pretty.

    And a new purchase. I’ve only been on an elliptical at PT. This lockdown has metempted to buy a stationary bike. Especially on rainy cold days like today. I love being outside but not in this weather.

    That is so cool that you ran a race (even if it was virtual) with your son. I was not a runner when mine was young and now he no longer is interested in running.

    I have not seen any runners in masks. I have a buff to pull over my face if necessary but so far, I have been running solo and not near anyone else.

  14. I love how much your son is working out with you!

    I spent the afternoon making masks for us, one son, and our daughter-in-law. My husband said that our grocery store cashiers are all wearing gloves, masks, and they’ve put plexiglass shields up between them and the customers.

    Virginia schools are closed through the end of the academic year, but my kids are 30 and 32 so it doesn’t affect us.

    We have an elliptical, treadmill, and a spin bike. I don’t use the elliptical because my spine doctor doesn’t want me twisting my spin when using it, but my PT said it would be fine if I don’t hold on to the moving handles. I use the other two pieces a lot.
    Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…When the DNA Results Don’t Match the HashtagsMy Profile

  15. You had a great week! Glad your hamstring is feeling better. It’s always nice when you feel so good that you go farther than you planned! I wish I could have some fitness equipment in my basement – the ceiling is too low!

    Love the scrapbook! I wish I was good at putting them together, they always look so great in the end! I’m promising myself to do a memory book for my baby. At least I’m taking pictures for the big milestones!

    They are definitely recommending going out to wear masks in Philly. Fortunately people in my neighborhood are taking it seriously! Hopefully your daughter gets one!
    Janelle recently posted…Weekly Rundown – Hello April!My Profile

    1. Hopefully you can keep up with that baby book. I had the best intentions, but most of it didn’t get filled out for my kids. My bad. 😉 Maybe that’s what I should focus on for my next project! I really enjoy digital scrapbooking. Paper scrapbooking, not so much!!

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