Remember how I ended last week with that awesome race? Well I paid for it this week. I also remember the days when running a 10K wouldn’t set me back one bit! Oof. Not this week. I had weird pains and couldn’t walk normally. I was really struggling and wishing I felt better. Only 2 more weeks until my half marathon! I did get 27 miles of running, and 2 miles of biking (on a track!).

Mon – 4 miles, treadmill.  I slept in a little later this morning, and then felt my hamstrings still being grouchy. Decided to use the elliptical.  But after 20 mins, I got bored and thought I was feeling better.  I called that my warmup, and ran 4 miles on the treadmill.  The run seemed ok… until a few hours later at work.  I was having a hard time walking down stairs due to a pain in my hip. WTF?  Not good. 🙁

PM, strength workout.  This is exciting – I’ve started doing workouts with my son again!  He has been busy with school stuff, but now that marching band is over I plan on working out with him.  This helps both of us – he needs exercise, and I need to keep up with strength work.  And his company is wonderful 🙂  I’ve got a whole list of YouTube videos to follow.

Tues – 30 mins elliptical.  With my angry hammies and leg feeling wonky, I’ll be doing elliptical until things settle down!  Unfortunately things were still odd with my leg and I had a deathgrip on the handrail as I walked down stairs at work.  I was afraid my leg wasn’t going to support my weight and I’d fall! yikes 🙁

Weds  – Rest.  My alarm was set for me to do the elliptical again, but I started thinking about the problem I had walking on stairs.  I figured it was best to skip the elliptical in case that aggravated the problem.  I thought I was feeling better, but sure enough I had problems the first time I walked down stairs at work again.  Waaaaaaaa.  My knee/leg still feels like it’s going to give out as I’m walking down. I was able to take a little walk after work to keep my legs moving.

PM strength workout with my son again. Mon & Weds are going to be our days to get swole! 

Thurs – 5 miles, treadmill.  “Test run” to see how I was doing.  Not bad, not the best though because by the end of the day, I was feeling crappy.  Literally.  Angry stomach, enough said.  Not sure what was up but I was glad to go to bed and sleep it off.

I did get to take a 2 mile hike with my husband and soaked in the fall weather. Beautiful trees in the park!

Fri – 40 mins elliptical, 4 miles running.  A much better day. Weights at the gym.  I even decided to run home from the gym, 4 miles.  My husband had an appointment to go to, and running home was a good use of my time.

We finally got around to carving pumpkins!

Sat – 13.1 miles, long run.  Yep, I did it.  Got home and my watch said 12.69 miles to I just went down the road to get 13.1.  We’ve all done it, right?  My original plan was just to run around my neighborhood in 4 mile loops to get maybe 12 miles done.  I was really unsure how I was feeling and how the hammies would be doing.  I ended up venturing out of the neighborhood because it felt like a relatively safe choice.  I’m so glad I did because the trees were dropping so many leaves that it looked like it was snowing!  It could have been snow because it was only 29 degrees 🙂 I could even hear the leaves fall.  So cool! 

By mile 10 I wasn’t so excited to be running and was a bit sore but I got it done.

2 miles biking. Next up, we went to a new bike park!  It’s called a pump track due to the ability to be able to pump your bike over the bumps.  I did not do that, but someone I still ended up falling off my bike. DOH.  Yeah, I am a doof when it comes to biking sometimes.  Got a big bruise on my leg!

And finally, took a long trip down to the Regional cross country meet.  My daughter is still an alternate and did not run, but the girls team did awesome and got 2nd place.  That means they are heading to the State meet next week!! Woohoo!  The extra cool thing about going to States?  The kids leave on Friday and get to miss classes.  I think that’s a pretty fun perk 🙂

Halloween isn’t quite the same this year mostly because the kids have outgrown it (boo!) but we did make it home in time for most of trick or treating. Had about half the kids we normally do.

Sun – Rest day! I am actually feeling pretty good considering yesterday’s run and bike fall. Just chilling today. Might not even get 5,000 steps today 🙂 [EDIT: forgot to include the kittens who think that the daylight savings change makes for the longest day ever…]

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Q: Did you have many kids trick or treating at your house?

Q: Did you play any sports in high school?

Does concert band count? Well then nope, I did not! 😁

31 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – States! and a struggle”
  1. Gotta love it when your long runs turns into a half! Halloween was a hoot. My youngest stepson is “too old” to trick or treat but his older brother isn’t;-) We did a candy chute and it was all great fun, although we never did get around to getting pumpkins.

    I don’t think that my high school did track, but if they had and if it meant getting out of even one day of school, I would have started running 20 years earlier!
    Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Sweats: CurveballMy Profile

    1. A lot of our neighbors had creative ideas for candy distribution. The chutes were fun! The team gets to leave school on Friday, go out to dinner/lunch together, and all room together at a hotel (well, in groups of 3). I was surprised the school was covering all of the expenses!

    1. It was really all due to bad running math. Because I didn’t run an out and back route, I ended up going over 12 miles by the time I got home! That’s the reason most of my routes are super simple. LOL!

  2. Ouch on the DOMS that got angry! Hopefully your body is forgiving you for pushing so hard on the 10k. I always say never underestimate a 10k. Glad you were able to run 13.1 this weekend!
    Wendy recently posted…Wanna Get Away?My Profile

    1. I think the hip pain was due to a new exercise I was trying out. I found it on YouTube and it seemed to be the secret weapon to defeat High Hamstring Tendinopathy. I guess it was a bit of overkill for me right now!

  3. Sorry to hear that your recovery was a little rough after your race last weekend. it looks like you recovered nicely with your great long run that turned into a half!

    Those pumpkins look awesome, and definitely a fun way to get into the Halloween spirit.

    1. Well, I would give that long run a solid “meh” in terms of quality. The pain level was decently low, but certainly was there! But hey, race day will be here soon and then it’s back to casual running!

  4. We probably had about half as many kids trick or treating too (or less). It was a weird Halloween! Sorry your leg gave you such trouble this week! Glad you were still able to get in some good miles!

    1. I now think the hip/leg pain was due to some different PT exercises I was trying. I’ve stopped doing them, but maybe I should try a few again (but less!) to see how it goes.

  5. Love all your pumpkins! I haven’t bothered to carve one since my kids left home — well, maybe once, but not this year. We did put out candy and had some kids come by. Yay for working out with your son — sounds like a win-win for both of you.

  6. ouch on the angry legs! I hope things start to feel better. As much as I love biking, I’d probably not be doing any of those bike parks. I guess I’m a putz on that kind of thrill-seeking LOL Your jack o’lanterns look great!

    1. The bike park was really impressive. I think it is geared for doing tricks more than anything else, but I’m happy just riding over the bumps. A lot of people had BMX bikes.

  7. I ran 12 yesterday and didn’t consider making it a half. Lol.

    No. No sports in high school. I was a nerd.

    No trick or treaters this year. Thanks to Covid.

    1. haha, well next time you can just run 1.1 more 🙂 (or not!!) It was really due to poor “running math” skills. If I got back home at 12 I probably wouldn’t have gone farther either!

    1. Come on back – I just added a kitten picture! 🙂 Charlie is looking quite luxurious too. Really, not a regular pumpkin carver? We roasted all of the pumpkin seeds too. It was super odd having the issue walking down stairs. I’ve never had hip issues. Ugh! Hope it never returns either!

  8. I’m so glad your long run went so well, I was getting worried about you reading your recap! Hope you’re still feeling ok.

    Congrats to your daughter for going to State again! I most definitely did not play sports growing up. Well, I did swim on a swim team for a while, but they pretty much took anyone who could float, LOL! I’m a strong swimmer, but not a fast one. I got to State once, though.

    Unfortunately due to circumstances, we were gone for most of trick or treating, but we wouldn’t have been handing out candy anyway.

    1. I was a bit freaked out by my legs last week! I was pretty sure my running career was over (ha, much drama?). You went to States for swimming? That’s impressive! My high school didn’t have a swim team.

    1. My husband teases me because I wanted the elliptical but he uses it more than I do right now! It has been a great way to get a low impact workout and get sweaty!

    1. On Sunday (daylight savings) I got so much stuff done! I even swapped out my summer/winter running clothes and organized them in rainbow color order!! I had so much free time I even took a bath. It was the longest day ever!

  9. Well done on your race! Sounds like your body wants some recovery time. Your pumpkins came out so cute! My kids are past trick or treat age and that’s ok with me. We got one freaking toddler at the door. Glad I did not invest in tons of candy. Congrats to your daughter’s CC team! I was a competitive figure skater in high school. Kind of wish I’d done track.

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