
Isn’t that view just awesome?  That’s the view from our seats at the Mud Hens game recently.


I think I like sitting in that area behind home plate because I’m always amazed at the number of balls they hit into the stands!  I feel protected behind the mesh.  Of course we don’t get a lot of freebies thrown into that area of the stands, but it’s worth it for the feeling of security!


We kept hoping that our row would be picked for the Toft’s Ice Cream giveaway – a whole row got free ice cream!

During the Kiss Cam we even got to see a guy proposing to his girlfriend.  Awwwww!

Before the game we had dinner along the river at a Mexican restaurant.  We chowed down on the chips and salsa like it was our meal.  Yum!!


It reminded us a lot of our trip to Mexico.  Ole!!  Love me a good enchilada.  Truth be told, I like any Mexican food smothered with cheese 🙂


And for random thoughts.. remember that poison ivy I had back from the Mohican trail race?  This flattering picture of me shows just the “tip of the iceberg” of the extent of the rash.  Looking back I really should have gone to the Dr for a shot.  That was nasty!


The majority was underneath my waistline (and lower!) and up my side.  That was the first day I was at the pool and guess what – since I couldn’t put sunscreen on the rash, I also ended up with a sunburn right there.  ha!  But the good news is that the rash is 100% gone now.  Phew!!!!


Q:  Do you have season tickets to any events or attended any sports games lately?

I’ll be honest, we go when we get free tickets!! Hey, we’re thrifty.

Q:  What is your favorite Mexican dish?

Q:  Have you ever caught a baseball at a game??

I fear getting smacked in the face by flying baseballs!!!!

6 thoughts on “Mud Hens game in the big city”
  1. Haven’t been to any pro games since the Blackhawks season came to an abrupt end. I usually go to at least one Cubs game during the season and one Sox game. Last year, I killed two birds with one stone by going to the Crosstown Classic which features the Cubs playing the Sox. There is a minor league baseball team near me called the Kane County Cougars and I caught a fly ball there years ago. Gave it to the kid sitting behind me. When I worked in the city, I would go to a Mexican restaurant down in the Little Village area of Chicago that served a burrito smothered in Mole sauce — spicy chocolate. Hot and sweet at the same time.

    1. You did have some great major league games there! We were hoping to get to Chicago this summer, but time is running out this year. I don’t think we’ll make it.

  2. Omg your rash… that looks terrible and I bet it was horrible. I’m so glad it’s gone now. I have a little bit on my leg. I think I got it hiking on our last day of vacation since it popped up today (tues) and our hike was Sunday. That sounds about right??? I hope it doesn’t get worse. Now I need to Google weather it all pops up at once or not…
    Megan @ Meg Go Run recently posted…La Sportiva Table Rock 30k Race Recap!My Profile

    1. Funny thing – my blog post originally published and used that rash picture as the featured picture. Oh my!!! Not exactly the picture I was expecting. Hope I didn’t cause anyone permanent damage. LOL!!

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