Erie marathon, 2 weeks away now. Even though I’ve got a two week taper coming up, my miles from last week were still up. Those doubles are keeping the numbers high!

Miles run – 50.2

Monday – 5 easy miles.  Felt a little stiff this morning, but other than the dark cloudiness and oppressive humidity, this run was as winner 🙂  I busted out my reflective shorts for this run.

Evening run: 2.66 miles.  Ready for the Race group, fartleks.  More fartleks in the sweaty humidity. Sigh. That’s all.

Tuesday – 6.5 miles, treadmill.  Intervals. I had no interest in running intervals around my neighborhood in the dark, so treadmill it was!  This turned out to be an easier run because the intervals were short (600m and 300m, each x 5) and the rest was long – 2 mins!  Running 1:33 and then resting for 2 mins was ideal 🙂

I took a NAP!  I decided to give in to the tiredness and napped for 40 mins.  However, when night time rolled around I felt out of whack and restless.  Not sure if it was the nap, but I think I’ll stick with my lack of napping.

Wednesday – 3.42 miles.  Back to School day for my kids!!  I need to figure out what my school routine used to be, because I was supposed to get 6 miles done, and I was nowhere near that.  Getting up 30 mins early?? Ugh. I hope not. Not sure I’d be liking to run this after work either.

Evening – 3.55 miles, coaching Ready for the Race group – intervals!! Run. Rest. Repeat.

Thursday – 15.27 miles.  Long run. My schedule got all mixed up due to family stuff going on this week, and also the rain this morning.  By the time the late morning rolled around, it was finally dry outside so I went out for my run. I was going to only go for 5 miles, but it was decent feeling out and cloudy.  Let’s just go for 15 instead! Of course that sounded like a much better idea back at mile 4 than it did at mile 10. Yikes. I was a bit sore for the rest of the day. It wasn’t a stellar run, but I decided to celebrate the end of my long-long runs with a jump 🙂

Friday – 10.53 miles.  Pace miles. This was my big run for the week.  I had saved it until the humidity dropped, and the weather was perfect.  I achieved my goal of race pace overall, but my pace slowed after halfway and it dipped under my goal, and felt like a struggle.  Bummer!! I very honestly hope to be trained enough in a marathon that the pace feels decent enough for the majority of the race. I have a feeling it will feel like a struggle most of the race in Erie.  Sigh. I was a bit freaked when my watch froze up and I thought my data didn’t save. It just spun until I rebooted it (oh no, first world problems!!!)

Later that day, I had a “date day” with my husband at Cedar Point and rode the coasters.

Saturday – 3.31 miles.  Went for a short run around the neighborhood.  Even though I was up early to make sure my daughter got to her cross country meet OK, I decided to go back to bed.  I added up all of my miles for the week and my scheduled “5 miles” would have put me at 52 for the week. Not much of a taper from last week!!  So, I went for a short 3 miler. And wow, it was actually “chilly” outside! I found this shirt in my closet, but then realized I ran the half at Glass City that year. But I guess all of the shirts in 2012 only just said “Marathon” on them?

And great news, my daughter’s team took 1st place in their first meet of the season. Her teammates took 4 of the top ten spots!  They crushed it. Sydney finished in 21st place out of 105. She had a great race and was happy. Being happy is what I’m always rooting for! This was a hilly course and she later told me that she had run 2 mins faster than she did on that course last year! Woot!!

My daughter is in the blue uniform.

Sunday – REST day! However, I had to wake up at the pre-crack-of-dawn to help at a half marathon going on. My alarm was set for 5:10am but my cat woke me up at 4:50am. CRAP. But hey, I was early for my task (which *never* happens). I directed people to the parking lot and was also a course marshal. It was the perfect weather for a race- I was actually cold wearing long sleeve and jeans! It was a fun day and I felt very appreciated.

After I got home, my family went to Put In Bay. It’s a fun little island. We rode around on a golf cart. I may have shared a pitcher of beer with my husband.

Then I crashed at 9:30pm. phew. It’s been a great week! I’m looking forward to a week of tapering, and maybe cutting back my mileage for real? 🙂

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Q: Are you experiencing some chilly weather finally where you live??

Q: What’s your favorite pizza topping?

31 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – chilly weather time”
  1. Yes, we are experiencing cold weather in Iowa! We went up to the NW corner of the state for the weekend (where it’s always 10-15 degrees colder, no matter the season), and it was cold out on the lake. They were saying it’s been 10-degrees colder than normal the past few days…hello???? I want my summer back. Thanks for volunteering at your race…it’s always awesome to see fellow runners giving back to our sport 😉

    1. I was so happy not to have any angry drivers while I was course marshal. That’s the worst!!! I got a few high fives too, which is always fun. Heck, it’s almost time to bust out my capris. Fall is coming quick.

  2. Here always hot and humid, I miss those chilly days!
    Congrats to your daughter, she looks very fast and her style of running is perfect.
    Another solid week, your training is going very well.

  3. I have spent the last 3 weeks in Colorado where it was hotter than Hell. They even broke a heat record one day when it hit 97*. Got back to Chicago just in time for cooler and less humid weather. Made an 18 miler on Saturday much easier. My marathon is the week after Erie and I am really feeling undertrained and under motivated. I was hoping for a BQ but now I am just hoping to finish. Pepperoni has to be my first choice for pizza.

    1. I didn’t know you had another marathon coming up so soon! Which race are you running? That will be a double year qualifier maybe? Colorado weather is so crazy.

  4. I am running The Tunnel Marathon in Washington on September 15. IF I ran a BQ it would count for two Bostons, but the odds are not in my favor. Just hasn’t been a good training cycle. I had a BQ there in 2017 by almost 15 minutes but not this time. Colorado weather is unique. 97* in Denver and you can see snow on the tops of the mountains. Went up into Rocky Mountain National Park to hike and people were wearing hoodies.

    1. If history repeats itself, we should have pretty decent weather for Erie marathon. The location, which is a peninsula on the lake, tends to make the weather a little cooler than the mainland. Fingers crossed!

    1. I think it’s pretty common to end up tripling the distance of a run on a whim, right? haha! I know, I had debated it the whole time before I made the decision. I’m glad it didn’t mess up my run the following day!

    1. I’m actually going to miss my training! But, I do have a half marathon coming up in early October, so the training will continue at a lesser intensity.

    1. The team officially started training together the first day of August. But they have spent the majority of the summer getting together “unofficially” and keeping their fitness up. I think they are going to have a great season!

  5. Congrats to your daughter’s team!!! Your nap comment make me laugh because I love to nap. However, I do understand that it can also affect your sleep at night. Oh and I love that 5 miles turned to 15. 🙂 I like pepperoni on pizza but also like it with pineapple and green peppers.
    Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Tuesday Topics: My bucket list racesMy Profile

    1. I tried to nap successfully (inspired by you!), but no go. I’d just rather go to bed earlier at night but my family seems to keep me up longer than I want to sometimes! Drats on them!

  6. Yum, that pizza looks marvelous. Almost makes me wish I was running longer miles. Almost. I like veggie pizza typically. Actually, I prefer stromboli (more crust, yum!).

    15 followed by 10 at race pace then volunteering. Wow. I’m pretty sure I never went out for a short run and ran a whole bunch of miles like that! Crazy marathoners!

    It has cooled down in the mornings. Despite the fact that I hate that summer is slipping away, I’m digging the cooler temps that mean I can run later.

    1. Other than stuffed crust, I’m not much of a crust lover. In fact, I typically eat everything but the crust, and then give those to my husband! “pizza bones” I call them 🙂
      I do love the change of seasons. Bring it on Fall!!

  7. Looks like your training went really well–and if you have enough in your legs for a celebratory jump, I think you’re ready!!! Time for pizza and beer, indeed!

    It’s nice and cool this morning and I’m heading out shortly. Love it!

    1. I remember I couldn’t even move my legs after my last marathon in Erie (I was stuck sitting on the ground). No jumping going on there! And the first time I BQ’d, the put me in a chair when I crossed the finish line. haha!! Good times.

  8. Great week for you! Can’t believe how quickly your marathon is sneaking up. The cooler weather has been a game changer but I find the fading daylight depressing. Congrats to your daughter!

  9. Oh wow, you had an amazing week and welcome to taper time! Congrats to your daughter on her 2-min course PR AND having fun! Both of our sons ran cross country. I loved going to their meets and cheering them on, but usually I was coaching my own marathon runners on Saturday mornings. Fortunately, I was able to make it to their weekday afternoon meets.

    Our weather has been amazing since last Saturday. It’s been in the high 50’s for my early morning runs.

    My favorite combination of pizza toppings are mushrooms, onions, and sausage. Yum!
    Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Runfessions of a Vanilla Scented RunnerMy Profile

  10. Sounds like a busy week, lots of miles! Excited to see how all your hard work pays off in Eerie! Congrats to your daughter for her cross country meet win!

  11. We had some chilly weather last weekend but the heat came back just in time for my race! I actually prefer just cheese pizza over any toppings, but sometimes I will get spinach or meatballs if i feel like I need more than just pizza. Your training is going great!!

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