If you celebrate Easter, I hope you had an enjoyable holiday. With the kids in college the holiday definitely looked different this year, but we still enjoyed some family time this week. My training plan for the Glass City half marathon has only 4 more weeks after today. I was a bit surprised when I saw 40 miles as the total mileage this week and unfortunately it was a bit too much for me. With the 5K Training Group meeting on Wednesday nights I don’t have enough recovery time so I just had to take an extra rest day. No worries though, I still ran 37.5 miles this week (yes, that half mile matters!) which was plenty.

Mon – 5 easy miles. Treadmill miles in the AM.  A 2 mile park walk happened at lunch time with my Mom, and… 68 degrees after work?  Yep, I had to get outside again and enjoy that!  We biked for an hour on the mountain bike trails.  The perfect way to spend the evening.

Tues – 8 miles, speedwork. I really like to do this workout outside, but  it was dark, chance of rain, and super duper windy when I woke up.  Solid nope on that.  This run had 6 miles of half marathon pace miles, which went well.  However, my treadmill calibration was off and my watch only said 7.48 miles when I hit 8 miles.  Boo!

Weds – 6.5 miles, track night!  5K Training Group. I got an extra mile in before our group so I was extra “warmed up” for tonight’s workout.  We did 5 x 1000m at interval pace.  Interval pace always gives me a bit of fear when I see them show up on my training log.  As you can imagine, training for a 5K does involve an extra bit of speedwork compared to our half marathon plan.  Luckily the “interval” pace for my runner was around 9:00 mins so that was comfortable enough for me.

Thurs – Rest day!  My plan said 4 easy miles, but my body said “zero running miles”!  I went for a 2 mile walk instead and then got back to work on my office.  It’s getting close!

Fri – 12 miles, long run.  So glad I took that rest day. I was feeling refreshed for this run. It started out frosty and ended sunny!  There were lots of people fishing for walleye in the river this morning. I could only get 3 in my picture, but the street parking was full of vehicles.   All in all, this was a solid long run.

Rock climbing!  I met up with my daughter again for a few hours at the rock climbing gym.  You know what’s hard?  Climbing upside down on an overhang!  Ooof.  I haven’t made much progress on that skill, but I’m trying!  My daughter does quite well.

Sat – 6 miles.  It was a rainy morning and only ⅓ of our runners were there, but it was a good run!  I was tempted to run 8 miles today to make up for my missing miles this week, but I figured there really wasn’t any point to that.  Based on the forecast our morning ended up being quite nice and I didn’t mind the rain at all.  I was even able to tuck my hair into my headband so it stayed dry.  That’s a win!

It did help that I was wearing my Columbia rain jacket today 😁 It’s not a running jacket, but it worked ok for today’s purpose.

Sun – Rest day!! And boy, did my body need this rest day!  I did my PT exercises and core work, and that was a wrap.  My Easter dinner table was missing a few people this year (my Dad, our son [at college], and my Mom [wasn’t feeling good]), but I was thankful to spend the afternoon with my daughter and her boyfriend.  Our son calls us on Facetime way more than I thought he would, so it’s always great to hear from him.

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Q: Do you have a rain jacket for running? If so, leave me a recommendation!

8 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – Happy Easter!”
  1. Lots of miles for you this week! 40 miles is a lot for me too–my body doesn’t do well with high mileage.

    My Easter gathering was missing a few people too, but both my boys and their girlfriends and my parents were there–so it felt pretty complete to me!

  2. When I ran, I used a windbreaker as rain jacket, but I was never out in very heavy rain with it. It’s fantastic to block wind though! Your new home office looks really nice! I love those soft, mellow and not plain white colours.
    A small Easter gathering but I can imagine you had a lovely time together.

  3. That upside-down climbing looks freaky! My finger tips are so mangled from all the moving stuff ( dry skin & an abundance of dust = dry, cracked skin, everywhere). Yeah, 40 miles would be a no-can-do for me, LOL.

  4. Great week! I think 37.5 is close enough to 40 to count. Plus you biked and did rock climbing (the thought of the upside down climbing makes me very nervous!)
    I’m glad your daughter and her boyfriend were with you for Easter- it’s hard when you’re missing some key people. Hope you enjoyed the day!

  5. Sounds like a great week of training Lisa! And you are so good about listening to your body if it needs an extra rest day. Those fisherman are brave, that water must be chilly! 68 degrees, how wonderful!

    Good luck on the final few weeks of training!

  6. Ugh… it’s supposed to rain everyday this week.

    I have a rain jacket but it still isn’t breathable enough to run..

    I agree with Wendy.. 40 is a lot. I’m happy with 20.

    I have a 5k training group on both Monday and Wed…

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