I still haven’t made any decisions on what modifications I’d like to make to my training plan for Glass City Marathon.  Not sure if I want to drop down to the half marathon quite yet, incorporate more rest days, drop speedwork, etc… so I’m giving it one more go this week.  But just in case, I dug up my old training plan from 2016 when I was working with a coach and having a super rough time with the hamstring/glute issues. I remember that training cycle as being super low mileage and I still made it through the marathon fairly well (4:00:00 on the NOSE!!)  Yep, this issue has been lingering since 2015!! Ugh. Enough already, right?

  • Miles run = 38

Overall though, I’m feeling pretty darn good on Sunday. That’s a huge win! This picture also came up on Facebook… mile 26 of Glass City marathon last year… how’s this for motivation?!

Monday – 6 miles, treadmill.  Surprisingly, this run went well!  I was a little stiff to start with, but beyond that my pain level was very minimal.  I was also a bit obsessed with my Garmin pace. I was using my foot pod and a 10:00 mile on the treadmill was translating to a 9:47 mile on my watch.  Hmmmmmmmm!!

1 mile of Dog Walking.  I walked some nice doggies today.  This husky was beautiful!…. until he got loose inside the kennel room when I was trying to put him away, and I had to have a visitor catch him.  DOH!!! My dog handling skills are really shining [backstory: I am afraid of dogs, but have made it my goal to get more comfortable with dogs. I still have fear that they are all secretly plotting to bite me when they bark at me!!]

Tuesday – 6 miles, speedwork.  Instead of skipping my speedwork on the training plan, I decided to just lower my paces and expectations.  A winning combination! 🙂 Given the new goal, this run went well. I was even more geeked out to see my foot pod had almost matched my paces and distance for this run!  My treadmill reported 6 miles, and my Garmin w/ foot pod reported 6.07. How cool is that? I’ve also been trying really hard to get my proper warm ups and cool down stretching completed.

Wednesday – Rest day!!

Thursday – 14 miles, long run.  I decided to swap my tempo run day with my long run due to family stuff going on Saturday.  It snowed, and the kid’s school was closed! But that didn’t stop me. In fact, I think I jumped out of bed to put my running gear on.  One reason: there’s no pressure to run fast in the snow!

One mile into it and it was hard! I ran 5 miles by myself and then my husband joined me for the next 5 miles. 

By the time we got out of the snowy trail and back on to the paved/shoveled trail my legs felt like I had done monster walks for an hour. Yikes! I had thought seriously about stopping at 10 miles since this was also turning into a strength session, but the paved path was making the run a little easier.  Thought about stopping at 12 miles… but then again, so close to 13.1…. I can do it, just keep repeating my route until I got to 14 miles. Hooray, I did it!  

Friday – 4 miles, treadmill.  Recovery run!! My legs were sore in places I hadn’t expected from that run in the snow yesterday, but overall this run felt good and it was good to keep them moving.  Didn’t feel like going to the gym, so I did some strength training while I watched the snow fall.

Later in the day we met up with a friend who was running his birthday miles… all 46 of them!  We just had lunch with him, but several friends joined him for runs of 1 mile up to 30+ miles with him.  Wow!

Saturday – 8 miles treadmill, tempo run.  It was an early morning run for me due to kids activities most of the day.  I’m happy to report that my foot pod is almost spot on now when using it on the treadmill!   Amazing. I ran 7 miles at “near race pace”, and was very happy with my effort and results. I might just make it through this training cycle after all!

Sunday – Rest day!  Did some PT, core work, and they we had lunch along the riverside.  It was a 4 mile mile hike roundtrip to the shelter in the snow. So beautiful out there!

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Q: Did you get any snow this week?

Q: If you have a post-run stretch routine, how much time does it take?

24 thoughts on “GCM training recap, week 5”
  1. Great job on that snow run! That’s hard work and should count as double, I think. I’ve given up on figuring out my pace on the TM. I just run for time now. Takes the pressure off!

    1. My treadmill was spot on today! That’s exciting because our treadmill is something like 10 years old and has about a million miles on it. Reliable!! We are getting our money out of for sure.

  2. Gosh, running in the snow is extra badass and triple tough! It definitely counts as strength-training (as well as core work with all the balance checks…or is that just me?). You probably know I’m a low/moderate mileage runner. I’m lucky it works for me, even with 26.2 training. I marvel at anyone who can run 30+ miles/week and function LOL (and, if a lot of those miles are done on a treadmill? #MindBlown).

  3. Awesome job this week with all of your workouts, especially that long run in the snow! To me, that should count as both strength training and running!

  4. Yikes that long run in the snow sounds rough! Loos like you had a pretty solid week of running and workouts. I know you will figure out what to do about the race. Have a great week ahead and thanks for linking up

  5. I woke up Friday morning to several inches of snow from overnight and more coming down. Halfway to DIA, I received a text that my flight had been cancelled, but, you have to hand it to Southwest, they already had me booked on a later flight. Of course, this meant sitting around at the airport longer plus I now had to connect through Vegas. Once I got to DIA, I noticed the new flight had been delayed. No problem. Then delayed again. And again. And again. Then it became a problem because I was now landing in Vegas at the same time my Phoenix flight was boarding. As we approached Vegas, the flight attendant made an announcement and asked passengers who were NOT connecting to please stay seated so the rest of us could get off. Of course, NO one did! Sprinted through the Vegas airport but when I got to the gate, the door was closed. Damn! But wait! The gate agent looked up and said, “We held the flight because we knew your flight had landed.” Southwest scores again! Finally made it to Phoenix five hours late. I had texted a friend to pick up my bib so it all worked out. Beautiful weather for the Mesa Half the next morning and NO snow. 72* in the afternoon. Back to Denver Monday where snow is forecast.

  6. Woot woot for a great week! I’m a cat person at heart and was always terrified of dogs until a friend’s German Shepherd won my heart. And now I’m a dog owner half the time since my stepsons got a dog. There’s a lot that I don’t know about dogs but I do know that they’re always happy to see you and always happy to leash up and go for a W-A-L-K.
    Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Sweats: A Prediction 5kMy Profile

    1. It does stress me out when I walk into the kennels and all the dogs are barking, but individually they are all good pups 🙂 Funny, a German Shepard bit me and that’s why I’m afraid of dogs!! I know they are great dogs and so loyal.

    1. It was a fun picnic by the river! I’m glad we were invited by friends because it would be a hard sell to my kids if I were suggesting we go just on our own. The weather was cooperating, which was a huge plus.

  7. Glad to hear that you were feeling strong this week! Being flexible & modifying is where it’s all at.But 14 miles on mostly a snowy trail . . . of course you were sore! Trail running without snow is SO much harder!

    My post run stretch is relatively quick — when I do it. I’m more likely to skip that than the warmup, mainly because I’ve got to wait to get a signal anyway, afterwards it’s just hard to stretch in the cold, and by the time I come home I usually have stuff to do.

    We got snow and ice this week. Not much snow, but quite a bit of ice. Finally cleared the end of the driveway yesterday. More snow in the forecast later in the week . . it’s February, after all!

    1. I’m still not the best about stretching after my long runs (when I really need it!) because I agree, by the time I get done and back home it’s been a bit of time and there are things to do! I hear there is a winter storm rolling our way tomorrow. Bring on the snow!!

  8. What a beautiful, snowy, productive week! You are doing great, and I hope you get some clarity about GCM this week.

    I am a dog lover, and would like to say I am so proud of you for facing your fear and putting yourself out there. it’s really hard to overcome those deep-seated phobias, and you are doing great. That is a gorgeous husky and I would have been happy to help catch her for you <3
    Jenn recently posted…week 6 (20): road trips while injuredMy Profile

    1. That husky was such a stinker for getting away from me!! She was beautiful! I was surprised to see her there because that’s usually not the type of dog we get at the shelter. Not sure what her back story was, but she got adopted right away 🙂

  9. It appears we are not going to get the snow we’d hoped for this weekend. The moisture came in earlier than expected and while it’s warm (low 50’s) and the cold air won’t arrive until after the rain moves out. The forecasters say this might have been our last chance of the winter…

    Way to gut out those 14 miles!
    Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Ten Reasons to Stay Well HydratedMy Profile

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