It’s been a while since I’ve done a weekly workout recap, so I thought it was time.

Training for:  Nothing yet!

Miles run last week: 13.1

Fri & Sat – Back at the end of 2017, we took a short ski trip.  2 days of skiing fun!  We had a good time, as always.  My PT Alisha was surprised when I told her that skiing doesn’t bother my hamstrings.

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Sunday – Did a workout with my daughter which involved “wall sits” and calf raises.  Holy moly, it has been a long time since I’ve done any leg exercises that didn’t involve my glutes or hamstring PT exercises.  So very hard!!


Monday – I started out 2018 with the Hangover Classic 5K.  My whole family was signed up for it, but we were in the middle of the very cold spell and no one else could muster up the motivation to get outside and run.  Since I already paid for it, and my friends were there, I decided to run.  I was going to run “slow” but then ended up running with a friend who was keeping the pace up.  It didn’t feel fast at first, but half way through I had to tell her just to “go on”, and she did.  About mile 2 I was feeling the pain and thought maybe running fast (by accident!) was not a wise decision, but what am I going to do – I’m not stopping to walk the last mile in!  5K splits:  8:36, 8:47, 8:56    Note, these are not as fast as I used to run, but are certainly decently challenging for the new “recovering me”.

See all of the bright blue caps in the picture?  Those are the “swag” hats for the Dave’s MIT program!


Tuesday – UGGGGGHHHH!  Was so freaking sore all over.  Felt like I got hit by a truck.  Jacked up.  Enough said.  Apparently skiing really does affect me.  Or weight training.  Or running fast.  Or everything on earth I guess.   🙁

Wednesday – Still sore.  Have decided to throw out my “running a 50 miler in early summer” plan because I’m not strong enough to endure that.  Wondering if I should just give up running at this time.  Another sad day 🙁  Alisha reminded me that recovery should involve a consistent amount of load on the hamstrings, so quitting probably won’t help matters.

Thursday – Still resting, but having faith in Alisha.  Will give running another try.

Friday – Feeling a bit better.  Ran 3 miles on the treadmill.  Stiff and tight to start out, feeling better by end.  Nothing stellar, but hey, I got to run!


Saturday – Rest day (I try to run every other day)

Sunday – Met with the Dave’s MIT (Marathon In Training) group and subbed as a coach (because coach Rich was running the Disney marathon! Read his blog too).  Our run was postponed from Saturday due to the low temps.  This was the 2:07 (finish time) pace group for the half marathon, so we ran 10:45 pace.  I ran 5 miles with the group, and another 2 miles on my own.  Once again, nothing stellar, and it sure didn’t feel any easier running slow after a few miles, but I was thrilled to get it done, so I treated myself to a Starbucks afterwards.



Another exciting part about Sunday’s run?  I got out there in the cold temps!  I certainly don’t mind running on the treadmill, so getting outside in the winter is an accomplishment for me.  AND, as I type this, I *don’t* feel like I got hit by a truck again.  Small victories!!!

So there you have it – I ran a half marathon (in miles) this week!  When I looked at my total mileage this past week I was pretty shocked it was so low.  BUT, I’m not training for anything, and I did have the suckiest week that I’ve had in a long time, so that’s what I get!  Here’s looking for some improvement in the upcoming days.


Q:  What’s up with you – anyone on a spring marathon training plan now?

Q:  Any Southerners get hit with some of that snow recently??

Q:  Do you devote an entire workout day to “legs”?

Not me.  Seems like everything involves stretching my hamstrings in unfriendly ways, so I avoid it!  Hopefully some day I’ll be able to do a leg day.

12 thoughts on “Training Tuesday recap – cold temps, broken body”
  1. We have just gone through a two-week stretch of sub-zero lows and single-digit highs so I am very happy to NOT be training for a Spring marathon. I have a half coming up in February but it is downhill in Arizona so I am not worried too much about training. I grew up in Macon, GA, and lived in Atlanta until I was 35. I can remember how just an inch of snow would seem to paralyze the whole city. Living in Chicago for the last 25 years, I have to laugh at my friends still living down there when it snows. I try to hit the gym 3 days a week. On the days before my rest day, I try to hit primarily my legs with goblet squats, hamstring curls, Bulgarian squats, farmer’s carry, and calf raises. I mix upper body in between leg exercises. On the 3rd day, I give the legs a break and go light knowing that I am running the next day.

    1. Every one of those exercises you mentioned made my hamstrings cringe! 🙂 Sounds Like you have a good plan laid out. Now that I’m working less, I won’t be going to the gym on my lunch hour so I need to plan on doing something else. *mental note – get planning!! Then doing!!*

  2. I’ve made my spring plan, and it’s being reviewed by Alisha. 4 weeks of base building and cadence work, then 12 weeks of real “training”. We’ll see what she says!

    Obviously not a southerner but this below zero stuff can go away. Frozen valves 3 days so far.

    I devote every time I run to “leg day”. 🙂 Just kidding. Started doing some kettlebell exercises pet my PT plan and will add more soon.

    Trusting the PT process is hard. Around the first of the year when I was in absolute excruciating pain I thought wtf am I doing? But I got back on track and am being mostly faithful to my daily PT and have been feeling great. It’s amazing how quickly things can slip out of place.
    Dan Clark recently posted…Run Fast, Eat…Deliciously? 2018 Food Goals.My Profile

    1. I love new training plans!! They come with such hopes of success. Then the fun wears off three weeks later. Haha!
      I’ve been doing PT exercises like it’s my job! “Bestest plan follower” ever!! Fingers crossed! Glad you are on the rebound.

  3. I can’t believe you got a frappucino after a run in the snow! We got 6 inches of snow here but I didn’t run in it. I just cross trained because… injuries. I’m too scared to run in it anyway, I think I would fall and break something because I’m a klutz like that.

    It sounds like you have a good PT, and I’m glad you got to run some. I think sometimes after a race, we always feel bad, but if you run and finish injured it’s 10 times worse. Plus the cold affects my joints and injuries big time. I woke up Wednesday- the day it snowed here- in pain all over!
    Amy Lauren Scott recently posted…Chronicles of Cross Training: Jan. 1-7My Profile

    1. I know, it’s so silly that I get iced drinks, as I stand in line shivering, but I don’t drink hot coffee! I’m going to have to go back this week – I’m only .7 “stars” away in rewards from getting a free drink!!! (That’s less than a dollar I think!)
      What’s up with the snow there?? So crazy!

  4. Whenever I do new workouts I get so sore! Actually today my arms are sore and I think its from doing burpees lately (which I havent done in awhile) I only ran 11 miles last week, after doing 30 the week before. Hopefully your body will adjust to your workouts and you can get back to running more!
    Lisa @ Mile by Mile recently posted…The Guilty Pleasures of RunningMy Profile

    1. I was hoping to be closer to 20 miles in my “off training weeks”, but I’ll take what I can get now! I’m not sure what gets sore on me from burpees, they are just so exhausting I can’t do many of them!! (sounds like a challenge in the making! Ha!)

  5. I think 26.2 miles in a week is a lot! Most weeks I do 30, but could be higher/lower once in awhile. The week I was sick I only ran 18!

    I used to do leg day and loved it, but ever since my ITB issues, I don’t anymore. Can’t do lunges and squats anymore. I do my lower body PT exercises to help my glutes and hips so I rehab/prehab my lower body just no lifting. 🙁
    Megan @ Meg Go Run recently posted…A slow start to the year.My Profile

    1. Although I’m not happy to hear about your limitations, I don’t feel so bad now about not being able to do a lot of leg exercises. I have some sort of pain in my right deltoid now, so I’m really babying that – so no arm workouts for me either! Guess I’ll have to settle for awesome abs. Haha!!

  6. After January 1st temperatures reached the 40 degrees here in Miami and I got beginning sages of pneumonia lol. I think it snowed in Jacksonville and even though I would’ve LOVE to see that, I would’ve freeze as well.

    I’m still training for a half marathon on March. Due to me being sick I had to stop running. It’s been tough but I’m not going to give up.

    Hope you enjoy the rest of your day Lisa:)
    Nathaly Abrahan recently posted…My 2018 GoalsMy Profile

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