5 weeks done of coronavirus school is closed/stay at home. Wow! And it’s been one of those weeks. Luckily it’s also been one of those weeks that started out crappy, but got better! I thought my big work project was over, but a problem reared it’s ugly head and it was not good. I think it’s under control now (fingers crossed), so life can move on as planned. The “training” for my “half marathon” is almost done. Will be running my virtual race sometime in the next 10 days. But let’s recap this past week!

  • Miles run: 20
  • Mins on elliptical: 120 mins

Monday – 40 mins elliptical. Sweat session before work and almost made it through a Peloton core video… but then realized I was going to be late for work if I continued.  Despite me being late for work *every* day, I do try to make a conscious effort to be on time. Most days it just doesn’t pan out. 😉

I had a tough time deciding which egg I should sacrifice for my salad.  They were all such pretty eggs! It’s my favorite time of the year… Easter leftovers… ham/swiss/egg/tomato salad week!! 

Tuesday – 5 miles, treadmill. Not sure why, but this run was a struggle.  It dragged on forever, and felt hard. Tuesdays are always my tough days – typically at work, and today was no exception.  After work I visited my parents. Something is up with my Dad and my Mom was upset. Which of course makes me upset too! On the way home I saw a sign thanking grocery store workers for being out there on the front line (my daughter!). Big tears 🙁  It was not a good ride home. And then my son bailed on our strength workout… because he was too busy with school work. Really? It’s 6pm. His time management skills were clearly lacking today.

But I did a workout on my own, and felt much better. Hooray for stress management.

Wednesday – 3 miles, treadmill.  I was convinced to have a better start to my day, so I tried the treadmill again, fully willing to bail if it wasn’t feeling good.  It felt good enough, and was happy to have a sweat session. Did a core workout too. My day at work still sucked, but I did what I could.  #attitudeoversituation

Thursday – 30 mins elliptical, then 3.1 miles running, Stomp the Virus virtual 5K. Another week, another race with my son.  I’m enjoying our time together. I was hoping we’d be a little faster on this run, but his stomach was not feeling great and we had to walk a bit.  I warned him not to eat the whole Clif bar right before we ran!  Another PSA? Maintain your space on the trail. We got yelled at for not moving over far enough when we passed someone. It was totally our fault for not making a better effort to space out 6 feet, and I felt bad about it 🙁 We will do a better job next time.

Friday –  5 miles. Decided to finally wear my Boston Marathon shirt for an actual run!  I rarely wear it, and never to sweat in it. But what the heck, what am I saving it for?  Right after I started my run it started to snow. Snow pelted me in the eyes. Ugh!

Peloton strength training class with my son.  Since most leg exercises bother my hamstrings, we are still doing a bunch of upper body workouts.  We will be swole by the time we emerge from this pandemic! My shoulders were so tired. We also had quite a few laughs at the explicit play list as I tried to *bleep* out the words when I anticipated them.

Saturday – 40 mins (3 miles) elliptical.  A forced rest day from running. The tricky thing is that I wake up so early on my own, that going for a run just usually fits in perfectly to my morning.  So, I went to my office at work instead and took care of a few things. A few hours later I woke my kids up and we got some donuts. Worked out on my elliptical for 40 mins later in the day. It was a beautiful day and a many of my friends were running their virtual Glass City marathon races. Maybe I should have too?

Sunday – Run the 419 day!  It’s a special day for our area code (419!) and there is a virtual run happening at 4:19pm today.  Guess how far we are running? 😉 Details will be in next week’s wrap up! Before that happened though, I went for a 2.5 mile walk, and then tried a Peloton dance cardio class. I feel like this could be hit or miss? This was a total dud and I didn’t sweat one drop. I have also now realized I am the most uncoordinated person on Earth.

That wraps up my week. I’m glad it got better!! I’ve got a few key runs in the upcoming days, which I hope I can complete. My right hammy is still being a pain in the butt, literally. I’m a bit stumped what I should do with it. It’s really put a damper on my running.

Q: If you’ve done the Peloton workouts, which class type do you do? (cycling, running, strength, yoga, etc)

I have enjoyed the core , and have done the strength training the most now.

Q: Is anyone training for a virtual full marathon? When is it? How about a half?

35 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – all downhill from here”
  1. I just got back from a run wearing my 2015 Boston shirt. I went on Ebay and bought an extra one that I never run in. Shame that Monday there will be no Red Sox game, no marathon, and no after-party at Fenway. I will never BQ again but I still follow all the news about the race. No virtual races on the calendar but hope my rescheduled races are still run in the Fall.

    1. We just booked a room for Boston 2021! I may never BQ again either, but still hoping there might be a chance 😉 I do miss that weekend trip. So much fun in Boston!!

  2. What a fun idea with a celebration for your area code! I’m 612 so its definitely doable. Going to make a note of it for June! What a fun week (except for the crappy work parts, sorry about that.)

    1. I didn’t get it yet, but there is a fun shirt involved in the 419 run with a Social Distanced theme. I can’t wait to get it! I figured a race shirt would be more useful to me than a race medal. And they are making a $5 donation to front line workers with the shirt purchase. Win/win!

  3. I think a lot of us had ‘one of those weeks’! Certainly, all this staying at home and family time is taking a toll.

    Nice week of workouts. I would never attempt a dance class, lol, but I did do a Peloton treadmill class which was great!

    1. With all of my Just Dance moves, I figured I might be decent at the dance class. Oh heck NO! It was the worst. Reminded me of the first time I showed up to a Step class at the gym. Doing all the wrong things!

  4. I think so many of us struggled this week. Doesn’t sound like too bad a week, overall. I’m sorry about your Dad — I hope that he’s ok? And yes, your daughter truly is on the front line. Thank her for her service — no joke.

    I’m up early, but I’ve made a huge effort to take my run outside, and so far I’ve been successful. I don’t want to run when it’s 30 out there in the morning — that’s just wrong for April!

    1. My Dad does seem to be OK now. Thanks for asking! It was super odd – he was falling asleep right in front of me during a break in our conversation and acting just like he did when we had problems with his medication. Problem is, his medicine hasn’t changed. It’s hard to see changes like that, as you know. My daughter actually came home early from work today. It hasn’t been very busy at her store this weekend. That’s a good thing – people are staying home!

  5. As you know, I did a virtual half yesterday (for a race that has been postponed) and I have another next weekend as well (that had to go virtual). I’m used to having a lot of races on the roster, so these virtuals are keeping me “in the game” that I know & love. I hope that hammy calms down! I know how much of a pain in the butt those injuries feel like.

    1. The fact that the hamstring pain is just one sided it a big concern. It’s ticking me off! Will be toning it down a lot after this week. Sad. But hopefully this will pass soon!

  6. I was at the grocery store yesterday afternoon and there was a young guy stocking shelves that said he’d been working since the night before. Ugh! I’m sorry this is happening and I’m so grateful for everyone doing all they can in our current situation.
    I very rarely wear my Boston marathon shirts as well! What are we saving them for?? Haha! That said, I wore my BM jacket last week to run. I think it’s the first time I’ve ever run in it. Hope your dad is ok!
    Marcia recently posted…Running to South AfricaMy Profile

    1. I wish my Boston jacket was something other than purple & orange, but I guess it could have been a worse combo! My husband got a traditional blue & yellow year. It’s a great jacket!
      My Dad has been sleeping a lot. Much more than normal, along with a few other things. Not sure if this is just some “next phase of life” or what. I think it’s really tough on my Mom seeing changes like that.

  7. I’m laughing b/c I’m chronically late to work. It’s just so hard to get off the couch after my workouts. And no it hasn’t gotten any better now that I don’t have to commute;-) Luckily my company is very flexible about start times so I’m not any later than anyone else but sometimes I feel like I should at least try, you know?
    Beckett @ Birchwood Pie recently posted…Weekly Sweats: A Virtual Half MarathonMy Profile

    1. I was just thinking how good I would have it if I didn’t have to go to the office. No shower right way, no long amounts of time trying to make my hair look good. I’m a bit jealous of the WFH people right now! But I would for sure be going stir crazy and would want to blow off my work day if I was home, so there’s that 🙂

  8. Awesome job with your workouts this week and I’m glad that you wore your Boston Marathon shirt!

    I didn’t sweat a lot when I did one of the Peloton cardio dance classes, but it was a lot of fun, lol. Also if you go into your settings on the Peloton app, you can opt out of the classes with explicit languages (they won’t show up in your search).

  9. I was supposed to be training for a live turned virtual 10, but I ultimately bailed. Besides my current re-injury, I’m not in the right mental space to run long without the race atmosphere. Way to go on solid week – read that first as 120 elliptical MILES

    1. I was debating which represented the elliptical work more – miles or mins? I don’t have a good correlation between the two yet, so minutes it was! It is really hard to get those long runs in without a true “race” for me too, and my body was rejecting it, so time to just take it easy. I hope your re-injury is gone soon! I know that issue too well.

  10. LOL at trying to bleep out the lyrics yourself! It seems like all the Peleton classes have explicit warnings, but I don’t notice them that much. I like all the workouts I’ve done — treadmill, strength, yoga, and stretching! I’ve gone from being a studio class junkie to being a Peleton app junkie. I hope your work issue is resolved. This week I’ve got to tackle all the things I’ve been putting off.

    1. It’s funny because I haven’t done a “class” workout in forever, so it was a bit odd for me to do different workouts each time. I’m so used to doing the same thing over and over! I think the variety is fun though. Glad I signed up for Peloton!

  11. Glad to see that you are on the Peloton workouts as well! I love them all! I’ve been doing lots of strength training and yoga and stretching classes. Make sure to check out my post on Wednesday where I am sharing all the best Peloton app classes. Thanks for linking and have a great week

    1. Looking forward to your post!! I would say that maybe that’s the only “downside” for a new Peloton person – trying to decide between ALL of those choices! So many!

  12. I hope your dad is ok. Glad you can run some virtual races. Here I have problems with my training because we must stay home (total lockdown), my tapis roulant is broken (it’s difficult to find available a new one) and to run around my garden is not so funny!

    1. I had to Google “tapis roulant” 🙂 This would be a tough time to shop for a new treadmill! So the backyard garden marathon is not for you? I was watching one on YouTube the other day. That would make me a bit crazy I think!

  13. Its so great that your son does so many workouts with you! I did a virtual half but I wouldn’t say that I really trained for it. I just used the few weeks of training that I had done when I thought I was running a real half in May. Nope, I won’t be doing a virtual full, for many reasons! I am very impressed with anyone who can pull that off!

    1. I think most of my friends who are part of the Dave’s Training group (the group I sub coach) are still running the full virtually. I’m impressed by that too!

  14. That’s great that your son is continuing to do workouts with you! I found the story about bleeping in the explicit songs funny :). I’ve been enjoying the peloton strength training workouts and the outdoor ones. I tried one of the dance workouts and it was fun, but I agree it didn’t feel like that much of a workout.
    Chaitali recently posted…Weekly ReviewMy Profile

    1. This week you’re going to see my daughter make an appearance in a workout! She does her own thing, and we only have 2 sets of weights, so it works out just fine that he’s my only willing participant.

  15. Great job! And I love those donuts!

    So people were yelling at you and your son for being closer than 6 feet? I think we need shirts that say “They’re in my bubble!”

    I am just training to be able to run at all again, so a virtual half is not in the cards for a while. I just scored a registration for a 12K in October, so it’s looking like that will be my goal…

    1. Nope – my son and I got yelled at because we were too close to the guy on the trail. I think the trail is probably 6 ft wide, and I was over to one side, but my son was much closer to the middle of the trail – so only 3 feet away from the guy we were passing. We deserved it, but still, it stings a bit to be scolded like that!
      A 12K? Interesting distance! I ran a 12K once. It was on Dec 12th, 2012. So 12-12-12 at 12:12. Yep, just a little after midnight! It was fun. We saw shooting stars during our run!

  16. I do love that your son’s working out with you and I had to chuckle at the thought of trying to bleep out the lyrics 😉

    Sorry the week didn’t start out so great, but glad it ended on a much higher note!

    1. My week is starting out a bit better. Working in the technology field is sometimes so frustrating when things happen and they seem to be out of your control! (aka, ugh, stupid computers!!!)

    1. My son used to run cross country and is faster than me, but he is a bit out of running condition. I’m the one pulling him along now 🙂 Hey, by 717 you might be able to a *live* event and not virtual! Hope I didn’t jinx it.

  17. You just made me realize that I ran a virtual marathon years ago before it was a thing. The company running The DC Marathon went bankrupt just a couple of weeks before the race and canceled it (yes, after they’d take our registration fees). My husband and I decided to run it anyway. I read in the Post that some people ran the actual course, but we stayed home and ran it on the W&OD Trail. My running friends even made me a certificate. 🙂

    I hope your hamstrings recovers quickly. They can be such a difficult muscle group to heal.
    Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Runfessions of an Unkempt Girl Making Her Way Back to Running One Interval at a TimeMy Profile

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