Happy Valentines day!! 6 weeks of training for Glass City Marathon done already? Time flies! We’re into some longer miles now, and had 6 days of running this week. 41 miles of running this week and my PT work is really paying off. Woohoo! I also finished two audiobooks: Marathon Woman, by Kathrine Switzer and Ready Player Two, by Ernest Cline. Both were great books I highly recommend!

Mon – 5 miles, treadmill.  I’m feeling a bit sore today.  Not sure if that is left over from Saturday’s long run, or if using the elliptical is causing some issues.  I’ll have to stop using the elliptical to see.  I had a PT appointment today and wow!  My therapist digs in deep to loosen up my glutes and hamstring muscles.  She also uses the percussive massager.  What a great tool!  I always end up having a headache after that, but it really does feel good for my muscles.  We did a little more tuning of the exercises and added some in some stretching for my shoulders.  Also worked out some running form changes.  It was a good visit.

After the tough workover at PT, only 15 mins of strength was on my radar.  Got it done!

Tues –  Track night!  5.25 miles.  Tonight was 4 x 1200 with 1 min rest, plus warmup and cooldown.  This workout felt really good!  My knee did not hurt, although it did feel a bit different.  Best part of the workout was when the programmer director was DJ and started playing requests as we ran past him.  It’s always a fun boost when you get to hear a song you like!

Weds – 4 miles, treadmill.  This run was a challenge.  This was the first week we had a Weds run on the schedule, and honestly, it was not beneficial to me – at least not a morning run.  I need more than 12 hours recovery between runs.  So, I’ll come up with something else instead of a Weds morning run! Wednesday is Weights Day. Got it done!

Thurs – 8 miles, with pace miles.  Workout was 2 miles easy, 5 miles at race pace and 1 mile cool down.  I thought I might not have a good place to run outside because the trail wasn’t plowed, but by the time I got there it was.  Woohoo!  It was a cold one (15, feels like 6) and I had to watch out for ice, but this run turned out really good!  I wore my skirt again to try it out, and it worked well without a water belt on top of it. The pace miles (9:00) were still a little challenging, but getting better (most were 8:55). Overall this run really rocked 🙂

Then I went shoe shopping at Dave’s Running Shop!!  I also bought some socks and Tailwind.  I picked up a pair of Kinvaras that were marked down, but also a new style to me – Saucony Endorphin Speed.  I didn’t know a whole lot about them when I bought them.  I just tried them on and liked the fit.  Turns out they have a composite plate and SPEEDROLL technology that makes “faster running feel better”.  Maybe they are “cheater” shoes?  That’s what my friends call shoes with plates in them, like the Nike Vaporfly.  I’m not sure but I can’t wait to try them out! They are also a lot lower priced than Vaporfly. Winning!

Fri – 4 miles easy.  I’m pretty sure you would have seen a smile on my face if you passed me on this run.  I was so happy to be running and my body was feeling good.  Feeling good after a hard run?  That hasn’t happened in a long time. And… Happy Chinese New Year (Garmin badge)!

Sat – 14 miles, long run.  We had a good turnout at the group run.  It was another cold morning (19, feels like 10), but we’re all getting used to it now!  

I stopped by to get my Starbucks treat and probably should have worn gloves while I held my drink.  My hands looked really scary by the time I got home.  Eeek!  (36 more free drinks left)

Sun –  Rest day.  I will NOT be using the elliptical today. I will be enjoying some chocolate, and looking at these beautiful flowers that Alan got for me 🙂 We will also make it out for a walk today to get this sticker in the mileage challenge.

And finally, this gave me a good laugh. My running group can totally relate!! We’ve been having a lot of “fun” lately! 😂

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Q: Have you tried any of the shoes with plate technology?

Q: Any special Valentines plans today?

21 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – GCM training, week 6”
  1. I have been running in the Nike Zoom Fly for the past year. They have the carbon plate but not the expensive foam that Nike uses in the Vapor Fly so these are half the price. Can’t say I have noticed any advantage to having the carbon plate but (knock on wood) I haven’t had any injuries since I started running in them. I will be interested to see how you like the Sauconys. I tried on a pair recently and I think I may pick up a pair when my current Nikes are done.

    1. I was excited when other companies came out with similar technologies. The Speeds do have a 8mm drop compared to the Kinvaras (4mm) so hopefully that won’t be an issue.

  2. I am glad your PT is helping and you are feeling good. I am pretty sure that once I can start getting massages again regularly, that my little nagging things will feel better again. First world running probs! No have not tried any shoes like that.

  3. I loved Marathon Woman! I had the fun opportunity to meet Kathrine Switzer and have her sign my copy. When I ran the RnR Chicago Half, she was at the finish line and gave me my medal. Seriously, a highlight of my running life!

    Glad to hear PT is helping. I can’t run in Sauconys. The zero drop really messes me up. Anxious to hear how you like them.

    1. The Kinvaras are a low drop (4mm) like my Newtons used to be, but the Endorphin Speed has an 8mm drop – so maybe you’d be OK with them? That’s so cool about meeting (and interacting!) with Kathrine. I liked how honest she was in her book.

  4. Awesome job on the pace run in the cold and ice!

    Wow- do you have Raynaud’s Syndrome? My fingers do that too. It’s scary! But pretty common for women our age.

    I have heard great things about Ready Player Two! Will have to give it a go. Kathrine Switzer is so inspiring.

    1. I’ve never mentioned it to my doctor, but yep, I guess it’s Raynaud’s! It usually is only a few fingers. It did look pretty bad that day!! Ready Player Two was a great audiobook especially because of the narrator. It did have a lot of characters so make sure you’re familiar with Ready Player One first.

  5. Well, I did do the elliptical this morning LOL So far, so good for me…it’s my favorite high-sweat cardio option (on non-running days). New shoes = great day! I’ll be really curious how warm the 20F temps feel on Wednesday (if they actually are true to the forecast). It’s been sub-ZERO for so long (with wind chill), I might be tempted to run outside in shorts 😉 Great week of running for you!!
    Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Freeze FrameMy Profile

    1. I did want to use my elliptical this morning, but I need to figure out if it’s an irritant right now. It would be sad if I couldn’t use it! But then again, cycling used to be an issue and I had a great summer of cycling, so you just never know!

    1. I thought it was so refreshing on how honest Kathrine was about her running and her life. I mean, when she talks about needing to wear black capris in case you get your period – that’s real talk! Sometimes the elite runners are really just not relatable.

  6. Wow! On your fingers. That IS scary. That can’t feel good. We’re cold, but not as cold as you (thank goodness).

    My run felt a lot better than they have (and they’ve been super short) so I feel you on that, too! The next one will almost certainly be on the treadmill, though.

    My husband is cooking me dinner. It sounds like a good thing, but he tends to get overly stressed by it. Grilling he does well! At least I don’t have to cook — that’s always been my rule on my birthday!
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    1. It’s funny because I didn’t even notice my hands were weird looking! I do tend to have the odd colors and feel a bit of pain on a few fingers, but this time it didn’t bother me a bit. My husband noticed it. He gasped! I was afraid I had been running with my group with some odd looking pants or something. I had no idea what he was talking about at first. LOL!!

  7. Ouch! Do you have Raynaud’s? My fingers have looked like that a lot this winter and it’s so hard.

    I would love to have a DJ play great music while I’m running. What a fun motivator!

  8. Nice haul at the running store! Yikes on your hands. Mine don’t look like that, but sometimes after a cold run I can’t make my fingers work to unhook Scooby’s leash and have to ask my husband.

  9. Wow, I’m a bit jealous of you getting to go into a running shop! I need to choose a new model of Sauconys as I’ve bought all the repeat copies of the older ones I can find, but no news on when the shops will be able to open yet (plus I’ll be running 4 miles there and 4 miles back with running shoes in my backpack!!).
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