Each December I participate in a workout plan from Another Mother Runner. This year it’s named “Joy to the Run”. I find these plans interesting because they come up with challenges and give you strength workouts. It’s a motivational way to end the year!

From last Sunday, a picture of the beautiful theater where we saw the Nutcracker performed! This place is really a gem.

Mon – 30 mins elliptical.  Just the right amount of time to watch Acapulo!  Have you seen it yet?  I’m loving it.  (Apple TV+)

Tues – 4 miles treadmill.  I opted to end my run early today to fit in 10 mins of stretching. Wow, what a difference that made!  I know, I know, I really should stretch, but I usually schedule my time so close I don’t have time for it.  

What made this day so special was the SNOW!!  OMG, I LOVE SNOW!  There, I said it.  I could have just drove around for hours this morning gazing at the loveliness of it all. Sadly, my boss would prefer I be at work.  #adulting

Weds – Yoga.  Today started out my “Joy to the Run” workout plan.  “Yoga” was on the plan today.  I tried.  I really did.  It is just not my thing.  I’ll substitute some other form of stretching or cross training into the “yoga” spot.  Sadly, it was time to take the foster kittens back to the shelter. Things were getting a little wacky around here with so many kittens.  Hopefully they will find their forever homes right away!!

Thurs – 5 miles.  I had to push my run back to the afternoon, and it was warm (50) for December!  The workout for today included 10 squats, 10 lunges and 10 jumping jacks every 10 mins.  I felt a little self conscious doing it on the bike path, but hey maybe the people passing by were impressed with my additional athleticism!

Two cool technology related things happened today… I had a mammogram and an MBI (molecular breast image).  The MBI takes 4 images, which take 7 mins each (oh, and I had to get a radioactive tracer put in, basically liquid from an IV… eh, no biggie). So 28 mins of getting squished in a machine.  Both tests resulted in a great report – all looked good!  And then, I test drove, and ordered an electric car!!   I’ve been car shopping for a bit, but we were blown away by the Volkswagen ID.4.  Unfortunately I won’t get it until maybe Spring or early Summer next year.  But it’s going to be awesome when I get it!!

Fri – 3 miles, rainy morning run.  Despite the rain, it wasn’t windy, so I could handle it 🙂 

It was date night!  We went to a microbrew with a delicious food truck.  Christmas ale and live music for the win! Dogs were allowed here and we sat next to a beautiful great dane.

Sat – 2 miles treadmill.  I started my day with a little run because we had cookie making on tap!  We were able to get our cookies cut out and frosted in record time.  Yum!

Then we went to a local park with a historical home.  It was decked out.  The decorations were really top notch this year.

Sun – a “longer” run of some sort is on my plan. Then, I’ve got a full day of cooking planned! I’ve got a bug to fill my freezer with some food so I am no longer clueless about what to eat for dinner!

Ending with a fun pic of where we found a kitten. The past few years our cat has climbed the tree, but she’s been pretty restrained this year. Maybe she’s finally outgrowing her kitten personality!

Need some more inspiration? I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Check out all of the fun blogs there!

Q: Has anyone had an MBI done?

I think this is the 3rd or 4th time I’ve had it done, due to having “dense breasts”. I’m impressed with the technology! Four of my friends have had breast cancer so I’m glad to have this test available to me.

Q: Did anyone else get snow this week?

Ours melted by the next day, but wow it was so pretty!

20 thoughts on “Weekly workouts – Joy to the Run”
  1. Well, I’m personally offended that you didn’t like the yoga. Just kidding- it’s not for everyone (although I’m restraining myself from giving you recommendations for a different type of yoga class.) That workout plan sounds cool and I love the name- Joy to the Run. A great way to make running even more fun than it already is!
    i’ve never had an MBI but every time I get a mammogram they do ultrasound too because I have dense breasts. Your thing sounds even more thorough though.
    Goodbye to the kittens (sniff, sniff.). i’m not surprised you had a tree climber! Every year we expect one of our cats to attempt the Christmas tree climb but it hasn’t happened so far.

    1. It is interesting that many people have commented about the ultrasound procedure. I’ve had an MBI done since 2013. It was a new technology in our area, so maybe they bought the machine and have been using it since? The ultrasound would be less time consuming for sure!
      Which yoga class types did you enjoy? Maybe I could try again… 🙂

  2. Oh, gosh, it will be a while before we see snow — but that makes it even more special when we do get it.

    Yikes on the kitten in the tree — does it ever topple over?

    Love all the festive things you’ve been doing! I’m trying to squeeze in some holiday fun in between work projects. 😛

    1. Our cat has climbed up our tree every year so far, and it’s never fallen over. BUT, it does bend the branches! So we created a “cat baffle” to stop her from doing it. We haven’t installed it yet because she has been good so far!

  3. That’s a thick covering of snow! I’m totally not ready for that (as if I’m ever!). Glad yours didn’t stick around for too long. I have some Christmas treats that need my attention…got a club luncheon on Tuesday. I’d freak out finding a pet nestled in my tree.. I’d be afraid to the tree taking a tumble!

    1. I need to come up with a treat for a party this weekend. I’m going to try “Buckeye Brownie” cookies. I do love Buckeyes! Fingers crossed because it’s a new recipe.

  4. WE won’t get snow for a while here but it is so pretty when it happens. Stretching makes a huge difference for me! I started Alcapoco and never went back maybe I need to give it another try. Have a great week

    1. I keep saying I’m going to cancel Apple+ and then I find another show! First it was Ted Lasso, but Acapulco was more lighthearted overall, so I think that’s why I liked it better.

  5. I’ve never had an MBI–I also have dense breasts and they do ultrasounds here. Either way, it’s great to get a good result, right? After my sister was diagnosed last year, I certainly don’t want to go down that path.

    Looks like your snow didn’t stick around–you were lunging in short sleeves a few days later? The weather is so fickle this year. Enjoy all the holiday stuff.

  6. We got some snow this week (I think, it’s been a blur) but really nothing much & all gone now. You can have mine! Pretty please!

    Nope, never had an MBI — was the particular reason you had one?

    Love the kitten photo in the tree — thank you! Made me smile.

    I am on the fence about electric cars but it looks like that’s the future. I hope you love it when it comes!

    1. The MBI was recommended for dense breasts. I have it done every other year.
      I’m so excited about my new car!! Right now the delivery date is so far away it doesn’t seem real. It will be odd to not go to the gas station any more! (but of course I will have to visit a charging station sometime, so kinda the same… but much cheaper!). The ID.4 will have 3 years of free unlimited charging at Electrify America stations, so that’s really cool too!!

  7. All these dense breasts – didn’t know that was a thing! Glad we get these good tests, though. And love the Christmassy pics and the kitties! You’ve done so well with them, little bright things.

    1. This has been a very interesting discussion about breast health! I had no idea there were other test for dense breasts. I have too many friends who are breast cancer survivors. I hope everyone gets their annual tests!

  8. Sounds like a fun and festive week! The kitten in the tree…so darn cute! What a beautiful great Dane too. I’m trying to incorporate yoga right now as I have had a really tight lower back. It’s helping, so that is motivation to stick with it!

    Oh, a new show recommendation! I’ll have to check it out.

  9. The kittens are SO cute! Though with a tree it does seem like a recipe for disaster!

    When I saw your title picture I thought it looked like something right out of the McAllister house in Home Alone. Those decorations look stunning!

    We’re supposed to get our first real snowfall of the season tomorrow night and I’m…not feeling ready. I’m 95% certain the kids will be off school that day and I’m not loving the thought?! I’m sure it will turn out just fine. I’m also thinking we should go pick out our Christmas tree from the lot before the snow hits. We were planning to go Friday morning, but I feel like everything will be so messy after a snowfall. Let’s see if I can get hubby on board. We only have to drive a few minutes to get to a lot and they’ll even deliver; since COVID we haven’t cut down our own tree and I have to admit I love the convenience of home delivery of a tree!
    Elisabeth recently posted…Casual Friday + Renovation Update: Progress, Not CompletionMy Profile

    1. That house we toured is amazing. Very wealthy people owned it up until the 1960’s I think. They started the Champion spark plug company. After that the metroparks owned it and preserved it. It’s incredibly beautiful, and huge! Every time we visit I dream about what it would be like to live there. It’s a holiday favorite of mine!

  10. I have friends with electric cars and they love them so good luck.

    No on the MBI but a friend does because there is a history of cancer in her fam. They caught it when her mammogram was negative.

    That house is beautiful. I love visiting historical homes. esp this time of year.

    We got some snow last night…but I doubt it will stay around… glad it’s my rest day.

    As usual those kitten pix are precious.

  11. I’m glad you got good results from your mammogram and MRI. That’s always a relief.

    I drove in very light snow flurries on the drive home from the farm yesterday, but they were near home and didn’t amount to anything. I hope we get a ground-covering snowfall while everyone’s Christmas lights are up.

    Will you pick up more kittens to foster before Christmas?
    Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Weekly RunDown: November 28 – December 4 / See You in the Spring, Gravel RoadsMy Profile

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