training tuesday2

9 more weeks until Glass City half marathon, and my marathon relay.  Did I mention my family is doing the relay again?  We had to recruit a new 5th relay runner this year because my friend couldn’t join us again, but we found another friend who was going to run the 5K, so we snagged her to join our relay team instead! Not sure if she will be take the 5K distance leg or the 10K yet, but there’s still time to work out all of those details.

Miles run this past week: 24 miles  (That’s actually the high mileage week for the year, so onward and upward, right??)

Overall things went pretty good.  Warning: there are lots of calories being consumed this week!! Here’s what went down!

Monday  – 3.5 miles, sloooow.  My plan said 40 mins of XT or easy run.  I started with walking on my treadmill, but then started thinking about the burger I was going to be eating for dinner, and decided I wanted to do a slow run instead.  I kept the pace around 10:56 and this felt nice and easy.  Just like it was supposed to.  I think the easy running was better feeling afterwards than my walking because it got me moving.  I’m hoping I can continue this in my upcoming weeks of training instead of walking on Mondays.

Dang, this burger was great!!


Tuesday –  Fat Tuesday!!  5.5 miles @ 10:25 pace.  My actual plan called for a 3 mile pace run, but pffffft, that’s not fun.  Instead I met up with some friends from our Moms Run This Town group.  It was the 2nd annual Paczki run.  Luckily this one started at 6am, because last year it was 5am!  By mid day I was feeling pretty run down from having a big ass donut and iced coffee for breakfast.  Felt much like I did after the Donut Dash a few weeks ago.  Scientific proof that you’d can’t survive on crap food and feel good! 🙂

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I must share the funniest picture from our morning run.  Our friend had this ice sculpture carved as part of a winter festival we had in the town.  We decided to take our picture with it, to surprise her because she wasn’t there.  Yes, I had the idea to pretend I was licking it (that’s me in the orange jacket).  I think the picture turned out perfect!!!  I still giggle when I see it.  Good times.

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Wednesday – Rest!  Valentines day!  A lovely bouquet from my man, with a side of political humor. 🙂


Thursday –  10 miles, 9:27 avg pace.  Long run!  This was a bit of a struggle in the last half.  Was I going too fast?  I wasn’t trying to.  I wasn’t even looking at my watch, I just wanted to see what pace I would run “not trying”.   The trail was clear, but foggy!


I had to stop a few times to recollect myself and get to the end.  Maybe a better plan is to go slower next week on purpose and finish stronger.  That sounds good to me!   On a good note, I got to wear my favorite long sleeve T and capris that day!


Friday – XT day – 40 mins walking on TM, core exercise, PT exercises and weights.  I’m super excited to be working out again and lifting weights.  I’m amazed that I have full range of motion in my arm again, all thanks to some PT help from Alisha.  Stupid of me not to ask her about it a month ago 🙁


Saturday – Rest day!  Did nothing!

Sunday – 5 miles, 9:47 avg pace.  Just when everything was all cleared up outside, it snowed again last night!  Since I’m not running outside a lot, I’m not obsessed with the weather and that occurrence was a total surprise to me!   I had lots of Celebrity Big Brother to watch, so I hopped on the treadmill.  This was an OK run.  The 2012 race shirt I was wearing got me thinking about that year… the first year I ran a sub 4 hr marathon!  9:08 pace overall.  Dang, I can barely run that (fingers crossed) for a half marathon now.  Geez, times have changed.


Hoping I’ll get back to that fitness some day.  Soon.  Any day now.  hahaha!


Q:  Do you have any goals/dreams that you are chasing right now?

Q:  Did you do anything special for Valentine’s Day?

We made a steak dinner, and enjoyed lots of chocolate treats!

Q:  Did you eat any special food for Fat Tuesday / Mardi Gras?

Those paczkis are huge.  Not my favorite donut type, but hey, it’s a donut so once a year is good!


12 thoughts on “Training Tues Recap – 2/20/18 GCM half”
  1. My only goal right now is to stay healthy until Boston 2019. I will be in Phoenix this weekend to run the Phoenix/Mesa Half with friends from Chicago. We wanted to get out of the cold snowy weather but I just walked outside and it is 56* and raining! Of course, that won’t last long, but I am wearing shorts today on my run if the rain lets up. If not, it will be the treadmill at the gym. Spring is so close!

    1. Staying healthy is a great goal! Have a fun weekend in Arizona. I wouldn’t mind a trip out there right about now. We are on edge of spring… as in, rain, mud… and hopefully some flowers popping up too!

  2. My goal is to finish Boston this year without limping across the finish line. Then to start training for the Olander 24 hour race and Columbus Marathon in the fall.

    1. The 24 hr race is going to be a lot of fun! I’m looking forward to it! I hope you cross that Boston finish line with a smile on your face, and running down Boylston!

  3. I feel you on the fitness. I ran a 5K on Saturday at the same pace I’d normally run a half marathon at… actually maybe slower. Injuries will do that, but we are still getting out there and doing our best and what we can. I just can’t physically train as much or as hard as I did before.

    You had some amazing meals this week… I’m jealous of your group runs ending with food! I’m glad you were able to get some runs and workouts in AND lift!
    Amy Lauren Scott recently posted…Weekly Rundown: February 12-18My Profile

    1. Thanks for always reminding me about “being in the moment” and doing what we can Amy 🙂 I do need to be reminded of that often!
      I’m soooooo happy to be able to move my arm all the way around now. Woot!!

  4. Yay I’m glad to hear you have full range of motion again!

    My goal/dream is to run 2 miles LOL! I can’t believe how pitiful my endurance is right now, but I did walk 5K this weekend which gave me the confidence to push the distance a bit on my runs this week. Time to go for 1.5 and then 2 miles! It makes me laugh a little when I look at my training plan :).
    Kristina recently posted…Running and LiftingMy Profile

    1. Ah yes, I remember coming back from being off running one summer due to a stress fracture. It was an exhausting (and humbling) journey around the block for many weeks after that! But I did come back stronger, so there’s that. Keep it up – you’ll get back there!!

  5. Looks like a great week! I haven’t run more than 9 miles in 2018 (and that was like 7 weeks ago or something) so I feel like my endurance is not too great right now. Whenever I get back to a long run I think Im gonna have to start out really slow so I can make it to the end!

  6. OMG I would KILL Paul if he put Trump on my Valentine lollll! I saw a ton of funny political Valentines on buzzfeed or something and they were REALLY good.

    I liked Shannon’s husband’s sweet shout out on Big Brother saying “You’re my ride or die!” I want to put that on my next Valentine to Paul.
    Megan @ Meg Go Run recently posted…OMG THIS WEEK IS NUTS!My Profile

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